Freshwater biomes include bodies of water composed entirely of freshwater, such as lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers. They cover approximately 20% of the Earth's surface and may be found in a variety of places across the globe. Most freshwater biomes include flowing water and a diverse range of fish. Facts about the Freshwater Biome: Freshwater biomes account for just 3% of all water on the planet. In a freshwater environment, there are approximately 700 distinct species of fish. Freshwater in the form of ice or in an aquifer makes up 99 percent of all freshwater. Freshwater biomes are home to many creatures other than fish. Crocodiles, hippopotamuses, turtles, and frogs are among the animals that fall within this category. Lakes and ponds, streams and rivers, and wetlands are the three types of freshwater biomes. The velocity of water, the quantity of light, the temperature or climate, and the chemistry of the river are the four main factors that influence the ecology of streams a...